TPLO surgery dog treatment
Surgical care for cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs
TPLO surgical treatment is one of the most effective options for dogs with a rupture in the cruciate ligament, leading to the knee becoming unstable. Our team at Normanhurst Vet Practice has extensive experience in TPLO surgery dog treatment. As such, we’re the ideal local team to handle this operation to help your beloved family pet live a happier, healthier and more mobile life.
What is TPLO surgery?
TPLO is abbreviated for tibial plateau levelling osteotomy, a specific type of surgery used to treat the rupture of the cruciate ligament in a dog’s knee. Firstly, the dog is put under general anaesthetic. Secondly, the angle of the shin bone is altered by our skilled surgical team, providing better stabilisation. Finally, a plate and screws are attached to retain the new position for optimal movement free of pain after recovery.
How do I know if my dog needs TPLO surgery?
If your dog has been diagnosed with a cruciate ligament rupture, they may be a good candidate for this treatment. As such, the condition first needs to be diagnosed by an experienced vet. If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms in your dog, you should book a consultation as soon as possible with our expert team:
- Limping, moderately or severely
- Stiffness when getting up and lying down
- Signs of pain in the back legs
- Swollen knees
- An strange or compensatory gait
- Sudden pain after running or jumping
What does recovery from TPLO surgery look like for dogs?
Rehabilitation from this surgery is just as important for success as the surgery itself. First and foremost, your dog will be prescribed suitable painkillers and antibiotics. Furthermore, you’ll need to limit

TPLO surgery dog treatment
movement during initial healing before building up to walking and other activities over weeks and months. Above all, you want to ensure this gradual process is well-managed to ensure their full recovery.
Why choose Normanhurst Vet Practice?
Our knowledgeable, friendly team has years of experience in handling surgical treatment. Most importantly, we can offer all our services in-house for your convenience and peace of mind without travelling to other vet hospitals or clinics. So, if you’re looking for a local vet you can trust, we’re your ideal choice.
Book a consultation with our team
Do you want to learn more about TPLO surgery dog treatment? Contact us at 02 9489 6000 to discuss your pet’s needs. We’ll arrange a consultation with our surgical team to determine if your pet is suitable for this treatment.